Example: A CPU wants to transfer data to a printer. In this case since speed of processor is very fast as compared to relatively slow printer, so before actual data transfer it will send handshake signals to the printer for synchronization of the speed of the CPU and the peripherals.
; SPI data transfer for 8-bit peripherals. MAX7651 is Master; peripheral is Slave.;; The following SPI-defined pins are used. (Some peripherals are writeonly, so only 3 wires are needed.); SCK: The data transfer clock; MISO: Master Input data (from peripheral), not always used; MOSI: Master Output data (to peripheral); SS: Slave Select (active low);
Computer peripherals and interfacing PDF
Prerequisites: ELEN E3910 or COMS W3843 or theequivalent. Embedded system architecture and programming. I/O, analogand digital interfacing, and peripherals. Weekly laboratory sessionsand term project on design of a microprocessor-based embedded systemincluding at least one custom peripheral. Knowledge of C programmingand digital logic required. Lab required.
The goal of this class is to introduce you to issues inhardware/software interfacing, practical microprocessor-based systemdesign issues such as bus protocols and device drivers, and practicaldigital hardware design using modern logic synthesis tools. You willput all of this to use in the lab where you will be given theopportunity to implement, using a combination of C and the VHDLhardware description langauge, a small embedded system.
This course is designed to take over the role ELEN 3940 once playedin the EE and Computer Engineering curriculum, i.e., as a capstoneclass in which students will integrate their knowledge of digitallogic, programming, and system design to produce a real system. It isintended to complement ELEN 4340, Computer Hardware Design. 4840 willfocus more on system-design issues and include a large section onhardware/software integration. Students in 4840 will use processorsand peripherals as building blocks. By contrast, students in 4340 havelogic gates as building blocks.
Also create a .tar.gz file (see the online documentationfor the `tar' program to see how to create such a file. Briefly,create a file called `myfile' with the names of all the files you wantto include in the archive and runtar zcf project.tar.gz `cat myfiles` to create the archive.)that just includes the files necessary to build your project, such asI did for the labs. Also email this to me by the due date.ProjectsAES: 128-bit AES decryption for video(DL)Proposal Design Final Report Project Files Presentation Shrivathsa Bhargav Ravichandran Larry Nai Ning Chen Abhinandan Majumdar Shiva Ramudit Pelmanism: Interactive picture-based memory game(SE)Proposal Design Final Report Project Files Presentation Can Ilhan Chintan Shah Sungjun Kim Zenan Li mindTunes: Digital Voice Recorder/Player(DL)Proposal Design Final Report Project Files Presentation Jonathan Chen Po-Han Huang Michael Kempf Yen-Liang Tung Christos Vezyrtzis WiiMaze: Triple Labyrinth with the WiiMote(DL)Proposal Design Final Report Project Files Presentation Brian Ramos Shaun Salzberg Yezhen Lu SRTRT: A Simple, Real Time Ray Tracer(SE)Proposal Design Final Report Project Files Presentation Daniel Benamy Keerti Joshi David Smith Minjie Zhang IPG: Interactive Pool Game(SE)Proposal Design Final Report Project Files Presentation Abdulhamid Ghandour Thomas John Bharadwaj Vellore Jaime Peretzman Altera Documentation The DE2 Homepage
DE2 Development and Education Board (an introduction)
DE2 User Manual
DE2 Schematics
Cyclone II Device Handbook v1 (the FPGA on the DE2)
Quartus II Quick Start Guide
Introduction to Quartus II
The Quartus Handbook Volume 1: Design and Synthesis Writing VHDL, running logic synthesis
The Quartus Handbook Volume 2: Design Implementation and Optimization Area, Timing, and Power optimization
The Quartus Handbook Volume 3: Verification Simulation, timing analysis
The Quartus Handbook Volume 4: SOPC Builder Nios II-based systems, the Avalon communication fabric
The Quartus Handbook Volume 5: Embedded Peripherals SDRAM controller, JTAG UART, Flash controller, etc.
Nios II Processor Reference Handbook Describes the instruction set, architecture, and how to implement it in SOPC builder.
Nios II Software Developer's Handbook Describes how to develop software for the Nios II: the IDE, accessing hardware, using Ethernet, etc.
Avalon Memory-Mapped Interface Specification Describes the protocol for the Avalon communication fabric, i.e., how to write peripherals that can be connected to the Nios II in SOPC builder.
Altera DE2 Tutorials Quartus II Introduction Using VHDL Design This goes into a little more depth than the instructions for lab 1, but is not a replacement.
Timing Considerations with VHDL-Based Designs Talks about how to impose timing constraints (e.g., the clock frequency) and understand the results of the timing analyzer.
Quartus II Simulation with VHDL Designs This uses Altera's simulator, which uses a GUI to enter test bench waveforms. It is an alternative to ModelSim.
Introduction to the Altera SOPC Builder This describes how to create systems that include the Nios II processor and software. See the Nios II Software Developer's Handbook for better information about developing software and using the IDE.
Using Library Modules in VHDL Designs This is about how to ask for and use ``Megafunctions,'' Altera's name for things like multipliers, decoders, counter, etc.
Using the SDRAM Memory on Altera's DE2 Board How to use the gigantic memory on the board. Described for Verilog, not VHDL.
Datasheets for DE2 Peripherals Analog Devices ADV7123 video DAC
Wolfson WM8731 audio CODEC
MAX232 RS-232 level shifter
Davicom DM9000A Fast Ethernet controller
Davicom DM9000A Application Notes
Analog Devices ADV7181 video decoder
Philips ISP1362 USB 2.0 controller
Philips ISP1362 Embedded Programming Guide
Agilent HSDL-3201 infrared tranceiver for IrDA
8-Mbyte SDRAM
512 Kbyte SRAM
4 Mbyte Flash
Links CSEE 4840 from Spring 2007
CSEE 4840 from Spring 2006
Embedded System Design from Summer 2005
CSEE 4840 from Spring 2005
CSEE 4840 from Spring 2004
Web resources for Vahid and Givargis
VHDL examples
Other VHDL resources
Ken Shepard's EE 4340 class (2003)
Ken Shepard's EE 4340 class (1999)
Class PoliciesGrading30% Labs10% Milestone 115% Milestone 220% Milestone 325% Final Report and presentationLate PolicyZero credit for anything handed in after it is due withoutexplicit approval of the instructor.Collaboration PolicyWork by yourself on labs. You may consult others, but do notcopy files or data. You may collaborate with anybody on the project,but must cite sources if you use code.
iConnectivity is a developer of technology and tools that connect musicians and music creators of all types with each-other, their instruments, and music making peripherals. Our products and technologies enable musicians to create more easily, faster, and in exciting new ways.
As the power of modern computers grows alongside our understanding of the human brain, we move ever closer to making some pretty spectacular science fiction into reality. Imagine transmitting signals directly to someone's brain that would allow them to see, hear or feel specific sensory inputs. Consider the potential to manipulate computers or machinery with nothing more than a thought. It isn't about convenience -- for severely disabled people, development of a brain-computer interface (BCI) could be the most important technological breakthrough in decades. In this article, we'll learn all about how BCIs work, their limitations and where they could be headed in the future.
One of the biggest challenges facing brain-computer interface researchers today is the basic mechanics of the interface itself. The easiest and least invasive method is a set of electrodes -- a device known as an electroencephalograph (EEG) -- attached to the scalp. The electrodes can read brain signals. However, the skull blocks a lot of the electrical signal, and it distorts what does get through.
Regardless of the location of the electrodes, the basic mechanism is the same: The electrodes measure minute differences in the voltage between neurons. The signal is then amplified and filtered. In current BCI systems, it is then interpreted by a computer program, although you might be familiar with older analogue encephalographs, which displayed the signals via pens that automatically wrote out the patterns on a continuous sheet of paper.
In the case of a sensory input BCI, the function happens in reverse. A computer converts a signal, such as one from a video camera, into the voltages necessary to trigger neurons. The signals are sent to an implant in the proper area of the brain, and if everything works correctly, the neurons fire and the subject receives a visual image corresponding to what the camera sees.
However, there's a bigger picture -- devices that would allow severely disabled people to function independently. For a quadriplegic, something as basic as controlling a computer cursor via mental commands would represent a revolutionary improvement in quality of life. But how do we turn those tiny voltage measurements into the movement of a robotic arm? 2ff7e9595c